Acid Reflux

It’s a good thing there are so many medicines out there to treat acid reflux, since approximately 60 million Americans suffer from its symptoms. Acid reflux, also known as GERD, or gastro-esophageal reflux disease occurs when stomach acid flows backwards into the esophagus, the structure that connects your stomach to your throat. SymptomsREAD MORE .....

10 Ways To Get Rid Of Dandruff Naturally

There’s nothing like dandruff to spoil your look! Besides being extremely embarrassing, dandruff can also be uncomfortable and itchy. Dandruff is caused by dry scalp, irritated oily skin, yeast, or fungus. The cells on your scalp usually regenerate every 21 days. When this happens the old cells fall off, usuallyREAD MORE .....

Foods You Didn’t Know Were Good For You

It’s a constant battle, isn’t it? You want to eat well, but you also really want that bar of chocolate or that glass of wine. So you either control your craving and feel deprived, or you indulge and feel guilty. It’s like you can never win! Well, what if I toldREAD MORE .....

6 Facts About The Common Cold

There are many good things about fall and winter, like cozy fires, holidays with the family, and yummy seasonal foods. You know what I’m talking about…Unfortunately, there can also be some bad parts to this time of year. Can you guess? I’m talking about cold season! The common cold is aREAD MORE .....

Health Benefits Of Pumpkin

  It’s pumpkin season, and it seems like everywhere you look there’s pumpkin pie, pumpkin latte, pumpkin muffins- everything pumpkin! And that’s a very good thing, because it turns out that pumpkin is actually a super food. For real! Here’s some of the great stuff that’s in pumpkin:   Beta-carotene: Beta-carotene is what givesREAD MORE .....