What You Need To Know About Bad Breath

  Bad breath is not a good thing. Halitosis, as it’s known medically, is unpleasant when it’s affecting the person next to you, and embarrassing when you’re the one with the awful-smelling breath. When it’s the other guy all you can do is offer a piece of gum and try toREAD MORE .....

Five Ways ToTake Control Of Food Cravings!

It’s a constant battle for most of us. We want to eat right to be healthy and maintain a weight that makes us look and feel good, but sometimes that cheesy pasta dish just shouts louder than the healthy salad. Or you have the late-night munchies and the chips are callingREAD MORE .....

Natural Headache Prevention

  Everybody gets headaches, and most of the time they are temporary and harmless. Of course, if you get headaches very often, or they’re too much for you to bear, talk to your doctor to make sure there is nothing serious going on. Still, even a harmless, “garden variety” headache isREAD MORE .....