6 Ways To Relieve PMS



About 85% of women suffer from symptoms of premenstrual syndrome- PMS every month. Those symptoms can include mood swings, bloating, cramping, and sometimes just feeling like some alien took over your body. For those who experience it, it’s not fun. PMS is caused by the fluctuation of hormones in the week before your period, and you’ll be happy to know that there are some things you can do to get relief.

1.  Exercise: Getting some exercise can really help because it will energize you and release endorphins, which will really help your mood.

2.  Diet: Making some changes in your diet can be very helpful during this time. Cut down on salt and caffeine, and drink lots of water to reduce bloating, and limit refined sugar to help with mood swings. Make sure to eat vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, and to eat regularly to keep your blood sugar steady. This will help stabilize your mood.

3.  Sleep: Lack of sleep will do your mood no favors at all, so make sure to get at least 7 hours every night.

4.  Relaxation: Avoid stress, and do what you can to actively relax. Try meditating, getting a massage, or yoga.

5.  Supplements: There is some evidence that certain supplements can help with PMS symptoms. Try taking 1,200 mg of calcium, some of which can come from the food you eat. Omega-3’s may also be helpful and you can get that in your diet by eating fatty fish, eggs, and walnuts.

7. Pain relievers: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pain relievers (NSAIDs) can help with symptoms like cramping and headache. Try ibuprofen (Advil) or naproxen (Aleve).