The Truth About Carbs



Everyone seems to be afraid of carbs these days. It’s like carbs are the enemy and in order to lose weight you must vow to never eat another carb again. Well, that’s just not true! Carbs are not the enemy; in fact carbohydrates are a very important part of a healthy diet. What you need to know is that not all carbs are equal. There are good carbs and bad carbs.

The carbs that are bad are refined and processed carbs that quickly convert to sugar and don’t really do very much for your body. Complex carbohydrates are really good for you- in fact, your body needs them to run well. They include whole grain, unprocessed foods that take longer to break down, keeping you feeling satisfied and energized for longer. It’s really all about making smart food choices. It’s also a good idea to eat most of your carbs early in the day so they’ll work to give you the energy you need instead of storing the calories as fat. And of course, watch your portions.

Here are some examples of carbs that are good for you:

1.Corn: Fresh corn is actually a whole grain, so you can enjoy it and your body will enjoy the benefits. Corn is a good source of fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants that promote healthy vision. Because of this, popcorn is an excellent snack choice, as long as you don’t saturate it with butter.

2. Bananas: Bananas are full of potassium, vitamin B6, and fiber. And they have a low glycemic index, which means eating a banana will help keep your blood sugar stable.

3. Potatoes: Potatoes get an unfairly bad rap. Potatoes have potassium, vitamin C, and fiber- especially if you eat the skin. Be careful how you eat them, though. If you slather them in sour cream or butter, then, well.. maybe they’re not that great. Instead roast them in a little olive oil, salt, and herbs.

4. Brown rice: Brown rice is a whole grain and is rich in proteins, thiamine, calcium, magnesium, fiber, and potassium. Its benefits include preventing insulin spikes and keeping cholesterol at healthy levels.

5. Fruit: Yes, fruit has lots of sugar and it’s not a whole grain, but fruits are full of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, which make them a healthy carb choice.

6. Oats: Oats are also a whole grain and they have so many health benefits they almost deserve their own post! They help promote cardiovascular health, lower cholesterol, strengthen the immune system, and may help prevent diabetes. Oats also have lots of fiber and antioxidants, so you don’t want to cut this carb from your diet.

Like most things, the carbohydrate controversy is not black and white. The best thing you can do is educate yourself and then make the right choices for your optimal health.