Natural Headache Prevention



Everybody gets headaches, and most of the time they are temporary and harmless. Of course, if you get headaches very often, or they’re too much for you to bear, talk to your doctor to make sure there is nothing serious going on. Still, even a harmless, “garden variety” headache is no fun, and there are things you can do to prevent them in the first place.


Get enough sleep 

Not getting enough sleep can trigger a headache. Surprisingly, so can too much sleep, so it’s important to try to go to sleep and wake up at about the same time every day.


Maintain a healthy weight

Being overweight is a risk for headaches.


Stay hydrated

Being dehydrated can give you a headache. Make sure you drink enough water each day, about 8-10 eight ounce glasses for most adults. Coffee can sometimes help, too. Not as a substitute for water, but the pain relieving properties of a cup of coffee can sometimes soothe a headache once it starts.


Eat regular meals

Eating regularly throughout the day keeps your blood sugar steady, which can help prevent headaches. Also keep track of possible food triggers to avoid to prevent headaches.



Why does this one come up in almost every list for good health tips? Because it’s that important! Exercising releases the feel-good hormones- those endorphins- which make you feel good! And it’s also a great stress reliever.


Avoid stress

It’s well known that stress can lead to headaches. There are relaxation techniques that you can practice to help relieve stress.  If you need to, get some support to help you manage stress.



Good posture is very important in helping too avoid headaches. Holding your body the wrong way can cause neck strain and muscle tension- both headache triggers.


Take pain medication right away

Once that headache starts, the best thing you can do is take an over the counter pain reliever like Advil or Tylenol right away. It will work faster and squelch your headache before it really gets started.